tesgt epub image issue
I downloaded the eReader Test epub (from https://peblproject.com/dev/eReader_Test_Book.epub) to try out in a couple epub readers. Was disappointed in how little seemed to work. Being somewhat familiar w/ the epub standards, I unzipped it. The entire images/ folder contains not image files, git git-lfs (Git Large-File-Storage) pointers. I assume this is not intended, but is an accident of packaging.
Apologies, that version you downloaded is pretty outdated. Here is a link to download a more recent version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C8Qw531y8wdfxTZUtVgygZgLDQmQvjEw
You can see which eReaders we have tested against here: https://www.peblproject.org/compatibility.html
Thanks that's better. I'd seen the chart - now that you bring it up, it lists testing PeBL Reader on android. Is that downloadable anywhere? I realize the goal for PeBL is to work in many eReaders, rather than be yet-another-custom-platform (I'm looking at you, iBooks!) but having a reference-platform to demonstrate the expected behavior is always useful.