This user guide describes the process of creating Personalized eBooks for Learning (PeBL) books. For benefits, features, and affordances, go to the Learn More section. PeBL is an open source specification, with a community forum, sample code, documentation, and other information.
To get started developing PeBL content or extensions, please read the PeBL specification. Sections 1. About PeBL and 2. Architecture of the platform in the specification are necessary background for this manual. This guide assumes that you are familiar with PeBL-specific terms and concepts; for definitions of terms you can refer to section 1.3 Definitions in the specification document.
This guide covers two separate activities in the production process for PeBL books: creating books and creating extensions for books. This guide does not cover building or customizing infrastructure to support the PeBL platform (e.g., Learning Record Store, eBook repository/distribution service, eReaders), although some high-level information about those are included.
Get Started
PeBL Infrastructure
Dashboards, Analytics, and Reporting Tools
Create a PeBL book from scratch
Create a PeBL book in InDesign